Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I just wanted to make a quick blog entry for the first day of the year 2008, the Beijing Olympic year! I'm still wishing and hoping that we could go to China during the Summer Olympics in August. Still ok to dream right?

Anyway, we're back in Manila. Tet has to go to work tomorrow. It's her first day. As for me, I still have one more vacation day left before going back to the rat race. Speaking of rat, Chinese new year is just around the corner and it's the year of the rat! The animal I hate the most. Absolutely no connection. hehe..

I have so many things I'm looking forward to this year. I am really excited of what God has in store for us. But my prayer is simple, good health for my family and for us to be far from harm or danger. All other blessings after that I consider a bonus from God.

Let's celebrate the new year with a smile and a grateful heart!


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wen said...

thanks Crescenet. i'm glad you found my blog interesting. i went to the site you gave but i could not understand the language. =)