Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My New Gadget!

Tet and I were at Market Market last night supposedly to buy blank DVDs at CD-R King but we ended up or I ended up buying a Philips portable DVD player. Yey!

It was not planned really. We just happened to pass by the activity center and there were different household appliances on display. I was left to roam around while Tet went to Plains & Prints to shop.

While looking around, I happened to pass by the Philips display area and that was when the 10.2" portable DVD player caught my attention. I came closer to it to simply check it out but the attendant approached me and started to demonstrate it.

I always wanted to buy a portable DVD player but haven't really found the need for it. But lately, since Trisha started to learn how to watch Barney on Video, I wanted to buy her a portable one that we could bring when we travel.

I liked the Philips portable DVD player as soon as I saw it but even moreso when the attendant told me that it comes with a car mount. That means I don't need to buy a multimedia system for the car anymore. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone. Hehe..

But of course, before I could decide to buy anything, I needed to consult my wife first. So I hurriedly went to Plains & Prints where Tet was and excitedly informed her of what I saw. After she bought her dress, we went back to the Philips area so that I could show her what I wanted to buy. Being the supportive wife that she is, she gave me the nod of approval. And so, I am now the proud owner of a Philips portable DVD player (PET1031/98).

You can click on the link above to check out the Specs. As for me, I'm picking up my DVD player tomorrow. Yahoo!

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